Yamuna Kunj

19 January 2014

"Sanatan Siksa" by Sripad Tamal Krsna prabhu

This week we could get the honorable association of one of the most prominent disciples of B.S. Akinchan maharaj, Sripad Tamal Krsna prabhu who explained us about Sanatan Siksa, the instructions of Mahaprabhu to Sanatan Goswamipad recorded in Caitanya Caritamrta madhya 20.102.

By the nice examples given by Tamal Krsna prabhu we could understand about how the soul is enslaved in the Maya's net and how she can go out, jiva tattva is the topic that Mahaprabhu explained to Srila Sanatan Goswami. Sanatan Goswami first asked: 
ihā nāhi jāni — 'kemane hita haya'

"Who am I? Why do the threefold miseries always give me trouble? If I do not know this, how can I be benefited?

and Mahaprabhu gave the famous answer:
jīvera 'svarūpahaya — krsnera 'nitya-dāsa'
kṛsnera 'taṭasthā-śakti' 'bhedābheda-prakāśa'

"It is the living entity's constitutional position to be an eternal servant of Krsna because he is the marginal energy of Krsna and a manifestation simultaneously one with and different from the Lord, like a molecular particle of sunshine or fire. Krsna has three varieties of energy.

                            Sripad Bhakti vedanta Vaman Maharaj

Sripad Bhakti Vedanta Paramahamsa maharaj

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